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RAM Structural System Ideas

Welcome to the RAM Structural System Ideas portal. The purpose of this site is to post ideas for enhancements and new features. We value your feedback and our team regularly reviews your suggestions for consideration in future releases.

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RAM Structural System

Showing 4

RAM SS- Remove deflection failure report for cambered beams

When the camber of a beam brings the deflection criteria within parameters, the option to turn off flagging them as failed in report would be greatly appreciated. In a large job with several repetitive floors with cambered beams, there can be hun...
Jared Ganstine Ganstine over 2 years ago in  1 Already exists

Assign HSS Column Series

In the Column module, you should be able to assign HSS Column series to be checked (such as HSS5X5, HSS6x6, HSS7x7) similar to how you can assign a specific Wx column series to be checked.
Guest about 1 year ago in  1 Already exists

Ram Frame Drift plots

A lot of the other programs have options to plot the interstory drift. RAM frame gives the numbers which need to be looked individually and can cause mistakes. An option to plot the max drifts or drift at a certain point over the story height will...
Anil Tripathi over 2 years ago in  2 Already exists

Wind Surface Loads Bypassing Interior diaphragms

It is my understanding that wind loads in RAM Frame are distributed vertically between each diaphragm. However, I have a multistory structure that is encased with a curtain wall between the ground floor and roof that distributes wind load vertical...
Guest over 2 years ago in  1 Already exists