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RAM Structural System Ideas

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Status Needs review
Created by Joshua Few
Created on Sep 23, 2024

Change the way data is exported to CSV/Excel format

Currently when the user exports data to CSV, it's basically a text version of the pdf data output. The organization of data is difficult to post-process because the data has page headers based on load cases and combinations (among other items). Attached is an image of the typical CSV style output that Ram SS provides.

Often, the data is also grouped in ways that prevent the user from utilizing large scale commands in excel or other programs that would help filter and simplify the data. It would be much more beneficial to change how the data is organized and replace the existing headers with columns representative of the data.

Alternatively an engine that allows users to specify what data they would like output to a CSV file would be the best solution. IE a way for a user to select from a list of all program outputs to be provide as columns in a table, and then output them cleanly to an excel file at once. There are often cases where the data a user is looking for shows up across multiple reports, but there isn't a singular report that has all info the user needs, so postprocessing becomes even more complicated.

  • Attach files
  • Joshua Few
    Sep 23, 2024

    I was unaware that this existed in the program. Thanks for the heads up. Might be more noticeable if it was also implemented into the reports drop downs instead of being under the manager? I have a feeling that I am not alone in saying that the only time I really ever explore the manager settings/options is on initial project start-up and that if I am looking for module specific results I am looking in the individual modules.

  • Admin
    Seth Guthrie
    Sep 23, 2024

    Have you tried the Data Extractor? (RAM Manager - post Processing menu from v 17: