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RAM Structural System Ideas

Welcome to the RAM Structural System Ideas portal. The purpose of this site is to post ideas for enhancements and new features. We value your feedback and our team regularly reviews your suggestions for consideration in future releases.

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Unbalanced Snow Loads on Cantilevers

I am wondering if there has been any progress on implementing 50% unbalanced snow loads for cantilevers. In a forum post from 2020, Seth Guthrie said that it was on the backlog ( This implementation would be great to have in RAM. Currently, as an engineering firm, we have to run our RAM models, but then make separate STAAD models to run the cantilever design in order to not be over-conservative in our cantilever design due to the current RAM system using fully unbalanced snow loads for design. It would be greatly appreciated if the cantilever design was properly implemented to RAM to do the partially unbalanced snow load cases. (The code being used for design is National Building Code of Canada 2015).

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